International freight transportation via air

Our company “Husky Logistics” determines its main goal as organizing affordable freight transportation within the shortest possible time, as well as taking in mind all of the Client’s wishes. We can offer aerial transportation within and without Russia and also aerial expedited courier transportation.
Our International freight transportation via air service includes into itself the following:

  1. Transportation of the freight via land from the Client’s warehouse to the departure airport;
  2. Appropriate packaging;
  3. Customs clearing in various airports of Russia
  4. The transportation itself (we employ the services of “Lufthansa”, “SAS”, “Air France”, “Finnair” for this);
  5. Customs clearing in the destination airport;
  6. Transportation of the freight via land from the destination airport to the receiver’s warehouse.

Our criteria of quality international freight transportation via air

We cannot consider a transportation service done well unless it fits these criteria that we set for ourselves:

  1. Fulfilling our client’s wishes to the best of our ability
  2. Adequate pricing for the client
  3. Timely information of the freight’s whereabouts for the client

The Pulkovo customs

We provide the following services that help the customs clearing in the Pulkovo airport:

  1. Processing all the necessary paperwork required for crossing the border;
  2. Processing the freight itself under the supervision of a customs broker;
  3. Assigning an appropriate Customs Commodity Code;
  4. Defense of the client’s interests at the customs;
  5. Supervision over the customs procedures;
  6. Consultation on any matters that concern customs.

Normally, the procedure of processing a freight in the Pulkovo customs takes 1-3 days.

© Husky Logistic 2010-2014. Tel +7(812) 495-95-54